Hi, My name is Zach Sickmann and I am from San Antonio. I am a junior here at Trinity this year. It is, however, only my second year at Trinity. I transfered at the beginning of last year from The University of Mississippi. I am currently a English major though I am dabbling in the geosciences. I could end up majoring in either one. I could end up majoring in both. I could end up majoring in one and minoring in the other. I don't really know which but I need to figure that out soon. I have played soccer for pretty much my whole life and have been involved in Music since middle school and these days I have taken up cycling. I play Euphonium and have done so in concert and marching bands for about 7 years. While I was attending the University of Mississippi I was in the "Pride of the South," Ole Miss marching band. Since I have come to Trinity I have cut back on my participation in band, last year only joining the jazz band. This year will be my first without being in a schools band of some sort. My computer skills are limited to a java script based programming class in high school and the excel skills I learned this summer working at an insurance company. Other than that I have pretty much the basic knowledge that any college age kid these days has.
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