Thursday, November 11, 2010


Larry Hechler came to class today and taught us a thing or two about building computers and doing computer repair and what not.  He made a point of telling us to back up our data on our computers.  If a hard drive crashes it probably is gone. I have kind of been backing up my photos but I really should do more. He backs up roughly every week.  I think I am going to buy an external hard drive. I have been meaning to.  Larry Hechler has been here aound 30 years.  Delll offers a thing called complete care. If anything happens to the laptop Dell will repair or replace it for free. Do not use alcohol ammonia or acetone to clean computers.  A lint free cloth and a bit of water or if that doesn't work a mild detergent are the only safe ways to clean.  The laptop pieces he passed around and we got to look at were very interesting.  I had never seen the individual pieces up close.  He also explained in detail why it is important to to keep your laptop on a flat surface so that the cooling fan can suck in air.  The stuff he said on the battery was interesting as well.  I had always wondered if I should let the battery run all the way down and apparently thats the best thing to do so that the battery doesn't shorten its life.  I just replaced the battery in my macbook this summer actually.  Maybe this new one will last me longer now. I did not know that laptop hard drives are generally interchangable.  Overall this was a very informative talk.

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